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Artist statement

I have always been fascinated with storyboards and animation. Storyboards serve as a “blueprint” or draft, allowing one to explore a world and its characters visually panels of simple sketches to create scenes, before it’s finalized into a fully colored animation. Scenes in animation that I have developed a certain fondness for, whether it was the design and atmosphere of a setting, or the emotion a character displayed, have deeply influenced me. While it is true that I have drawn inspiration from animated movies or cartoons, most of the time that inspiration came from independent artists. They had animated stories of their own—whimsical, silly, joyful, sincere, and memorable— for their classes, or just because they felt like it, and that really resonated with me. 

Inspired by these artists, I followed their advice indicating that “You don’t need to wait for special training or tools. You can start any time. You can start now.” And so, I began my own story. Using a digital medium, I can best capture scenes and characters the way I envision them. Digital art allows me to easily play with the usage of lighting and color in my subject matter and imagery. I have always loved the ethereal beauty of space and the celestial bodies that inhabit it, as well as the ocean and the life within it. They are boundless, mysterious, and transient, and I feel that they reflect one another in the most fascinating way. By incorporating the theme of the ocean and stars into my animation, I capture that feeling of wonder and fascination in a meaningful way, through the lens of the girl in the yellow jacket.

Artist biography

Trinity Feliciano was born in Saipan and currently resides on the island of Guam. Growing up with the island’s scenery played a significant role in what inspires her visually. Trinity would often find herself fascinated with the ocean and the night sky. Contemplating upon their beauty and vastness, they became a source of comfort for her. Over time, she grew to deeply love and appreciate the ocean and stars, resulting in her incorporating them thematically in her artwork.

Though Trinity initially explored traditional mediums in art, she grew up with a fondness for digital art. Experiencing the world of digital art and observing the works of other artists online eventually led her to discovering and learning about storyboarding and animation, which she later developed a keen interest in. Enamored by the wide range of beautiful visuals and heartfelt stories expressed through the medium of animation, Trinity became inspired to do the same. Merging her love for storyboarding and animation with celestial and ocean themes, she hopes to continue to share little stories of her own through glimpses of various scenes and settings involving her characters in small animations and illustrations.


"zenith" digital animation by Trinity Feliciano

"zenith" digital animation by Trinity Feliciano

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